- Pro Audio, Video, Broadcast, Stage Light, Musical Instrument & CCTV, Tools, Power, Acoustic, Sound

Channel International Enterprises WILD GRASS STUDIOS WILD GRASS ACADEMY, TRAINING, CENTER, KURZWEIL RECORDING, MIXING, MASTERING, EDITING, CONSULTATION, THEATRE, FILM, PRODUCTION, INSTALLATION, RENTAL, SET UP, SUPPLIES, SERVICES, WHOLESALE, RETAIL, TRADE, DISTRIBUTION, DEALER, RESELLER, AVLS, WORSHIP, CHURCH The No.1 ONLINE STORE IN THE PHILIPPINES for sound, video, broadcast, musical instruments, lights, CCTV, & power tools. With over 4,000 products of more than 100 brands and 250 categories. Kindly visit our website for our complete product line-up or contact us at: E-mail: [email protected] FB page: Tel.: (02) 738-2844; (02) 921-3060 Mobile: 0998-983-4535; 0925-332-7701; 0915-339-7985 Store hours: Mon-Sat 8am to 8pm

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